
Canvas Prints

Individually crafted canvas prints to decorate your walls

With a natural texture and brilliance, our canvas prints are unique. Unlike regular paper print, the textured surface of canvas reflects light in different directions, giving it a wonderful depth in appearance. Thus, canvas prints are tougher and far more durable than paper prints. All of our canvas prints come fully stretched over a 1.5” wood frame and carefully finished with hand-painted edges.   

Technical Specs

  • Printed with Epson pigment inks using Epson inkjets for true artistic look
  • Protected from moisture and dust by an acrylic coating to ensure a long life
  • Stretched on a 1.5” wooden frame ready to hang
  • Crafted on artist grade poly-cotton blend canvas for brighter whites


We offer many shapes and sizes, and our canvas prints are ready to fit all of them. Yet, the final dimensions will depend on the image you choose. Below are the most common canvas sizes to give you an idea:

  • Small - 15” x 20” / 38.1 x 50.8cm
  • Medium - 18.5” x 28” / 47 x 71.1cm
  • Large - 23” x 35” / 58.4 x 88.9cm


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